
說到Willie Nelson這位美國著名的鄉村歌手, 大家最熟悉的或許是他的經典名曲 Always on my mind.


而Norah Jones, 在最近出的一張專輯 featuring Norah Jones, 收錄了與許多知名男歌手包含Ray Charles與Willie Nelson等等合唱曲. 每一首都讓人想再按repeat鍵...尤其是與Willie Nelson 合唱的 baby it's cold outside, 哈~


較可惜的是  獨漏了一首與Willie Nelson 合唱的 i don't wanna get over you. 凱倫在這與大家分享囉~

Don't wanna get over you 
I'm not here to forget you, I'm here to recall 
The things we used to say and do 
I don't want to get over you 
I don't want to get over you 

I haunt the same places we used to go 
Alone at a table for two 
I don't want to get over you 
I don't want to get over you 

They ought to give me the Wurlitzer prize 
For all the silver I led slide down the slot 
Playing those songs sung blue 
Help me remember you 
I don't want to get over you 

A fresh roll of quarters, same old song 
Missing you through and through 
I don't want to get over you 
I don't want to get over you 

I don't want to get over you 
I don't want to get over you


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